Product Description
Gray-Out Dry (Waterless) Oil Remover - Limpiador de Aceite Sin Agua
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The Original and Most Powerful Waterless Oil Remover Made!
Gray-Out is a dry powder applied to dry oil stains.
It works even on older stains.
It is enzymes that “eat” the oil rendering it harmless to the environment.
Amazingly fast and easy to use no sweeping or washing needed.
Try it today and you will never use anything else.
Includes a small 2-inch application brush with all 1-pint or 2 Lbs. orders
Available in residential or commercial sizes.
1 Pint - Cover 175 - 200 Sqft.
1 - 2 Lbs. - Cover 350 - 400 Sqft.
3 - 2 Lbs. - Cover 1,050 - 1,200 Sqft.
30 Pounds - Cover 6,000 Sqft.
Gray-Out is a DRY concrete cleaning powder that you spread over concrete using a broom head applicator This concrete cleaner is an activated enzyme that immediately begins to work by breaking down embedded oil stains. There is NO need to sweep up the powder when finished. No water is needed at any time and is never used in this process. Gray-Out will not remove synthetic oils.
WHAT IS IT? Gray-Out is a finely granulated waterless concrete cleaning compound integrated with active cleaning agents and chemically engineered bio-organics designed to successfully breakdown hydrocarbon petroleum matter with no harmful effects to plants, humans, animals, or soil from concrete without the use of water as a carrier, catalyst, or neutralizing agent. Gray-Out's small size assures maximum delivery deep into the pores of concrete. Because Gray-Out uses bio-organics it is a "time driven" process whereby significant improvement will be clearly visible within twenty-four hours. In addition to effective cleaning Gray-Out saves labor time and eliminates the need for any water before, during, or after the cleaning process.
Gray-Out is non-hazardous, non-corrosive, and non-toxic, to humans, animals, plants, soil, metals, paint, concrete, storm drains, sewer systems, or underground water. Gray-Out can be immediately "walked on" or "driven on" by vehicles and is extremely economical in material cost.
WHY USE A WATERLESS CONCRETE REMOVER? The EPA can now fine institutions for power washing a hydrocarbon laden facility if they do not reclaim their waste water. According to a recent issue of Coatings Pro Magazine, these fines have hit individuals, and institutions, up to the amount of $10,000 per occurrence! Water reclamation and/or filtration systems are very expensive and often power washing alone will not remove the stain anyway! Gray-Out can break down the stain in an environmentally friendly way!
Gray-Out es un polvo seco aplicado a las manchas de aceite.
- Funciona incluso en las manchas de edad avanzada.
- Las enzimas "se comen" el aceite haciéndolo inofensivo para el medioambiente.
- Increíblemente rápido y fácil de usar sin barrer o necesario de lavar. Se aplica y se deja.
- Pruébelo hoy y nunca va a usara nada más.
- Incluye una brocha pequeña de aplicación de 2 pulgadas con todos los pedidos de 1-pinta o pedidos 1-cuarto de galón.
Disponible en tamaños residenciales o comerciales.
1 Pinta – cubre 175-200 Pies Cuadrados.
1 - 2 Libras - cubre 350 - 400 pies
3 - 2 Libras - cubren 1,050 – 1,200 pies cuadrados.
30 Libras - cubren 6,000 pies cuadrados.
Gray-Out es un polvo de limpieza de aceite para el concreto seco que se reparte utilizando un aplicador de brocha o escoba. Este limpiador de concreto es una enzima que se activa de inmediato comenzado a trabajar , rompiendo las manchas de aceite integrados en el concreto. No hay necesidad de barrer el polvo cuando termine. No se necesita agua en ningún momento y nunca se utiliza en este proceso.
¿QUÉ ES? Gray-Out es un compuesto sin agua de limpieza del concreto finamente granulada integrado con agentes limpiadores activos y bio-orgánicos modificados químicamente diseñados para extraer y quebrar los hidrocarburos materiales del petróleo, sin efectos malos para los vegetales, los seres humanos, los animales o el suelo de concreto sin el uso de agua como un portador, catalizador , o un agente neutralizante. Una pequeña cantidad de Gray-Out asegura la entrega máxima de profundidad en limpiar los poros del concreto.
Debido a que Gray-Out utiliza bio-orgánicos es un proceso de "tiempo impulsado" por el cual mejora significamente y será claramente visible dentro de las veinticuatro horas. la limpieza efectiva de Gray-Out ahorrando tiempo de trabajo y elimina la necesidad de usar agua antes, durante, o después del proceso de limpieza.
Gray-Out no es peligroso, no corrosivo y no es tóxico, a los seres humanos, animales, plantas, tierra, metales , pinturas, cemento , desagües pluviales , alcantarillado o agua subterránea. Gray-Out aplicado correctamente puede ser inmediatamente abierto a tráfico caminable o para los vehículos y es muy económico en el coste del material.
¿POR QUÉ USAR UN LIMPIADOR DE CONCRETO SIN AGUA? La EPA puede multar instituciones lavado un centro cargado de aceite si no recuperan sus aguas residuales. De acuerdo con una publicación reciente de la revista Pro Coatings, ¡estas multas han llegado a hasta la cantidad de $ 10,000 por ocurrencia! Sistemas de recuperación de agua y / o de filtración son muy caros y, a menudo el poder de lavado por sí solas no quitar la mancha de todos modos! ¡Gray-Out puede romper la mancha de una manera respetuosa con el medioambiente!
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73 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Works very well.
This is 2nd time I bought this. Really works well. I thought I had bought a larger container but I will buy again if I need to.
Smashed Acorn removal
I tried this on acorns that were smashed on my driveway. Works great! Only took couple days . Only problem is not cheap.
El producto es muy bueno
Gray out
Worked well for oil spots
GRAY-OUT Product Results On Garage Floor
I swept a light coat of the product over my 29 yr old concrete garage floor. It definitely changed the look immediately. I kept off of it for four hrs, pulled the car in the garage and left it there for two days. I then walked on it and discovered that my shoe soles had the white powder on them. I then wiped the soles and discovered what appears to be dirty oil stain on the paper towel. After several weeks and multiple attempts to sweep any remaining surface powder off the floor it continues to transfer the white powder to the shoe soles. I am waiting and cleaning my shoe soles to see if the product will ever stop transferring the powder and whether it actually works 100%. Reply from SealGreen: It sound like you are applying to much powder to the floor. We recommend to put enough powder to cover the stain very thin application. In about several days it will stick to the floor and not your shoes.
Gray out like it very much and order a quart for $30.95
Like it very much
Gray-Out Waterless Oil Remover
Easy to apply and works great! Highly recommended.
This product was better than expected
I will recommend this product to any who need there sidewalks, driveways cleaned PLEASE use this product.
Great product
The cleaner is very easy to use and works great
Its products more than lived up to my expectations! The product has remove the gray and my homeowner's association couldn't even tell that it had been there originally. I'm told all my friends about your product on your website.
Works like a charm!
This product does exactly what they say. It cleans the concrete whoever you put it so if you want a solids colored drive be sure to use it all over. It took my oils spots up in just a few days time. Love it and will use it again. Super easy to apply and it goes a really long way too!
grey-out oil remover
nice product would highly recommend this product