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Very few companies offer live support. We believe that to get your project completed in time and successfully it is also good to know that when you buy a product from SealGreen we have your back.
From 9:00 am to 4 pm Monday thru Thursday Central Standard Time - Configuring products for project - Placing Orders - Technical Support before and during installation
913-681-3451 Any time. You can also text pictures so we can visually look at your project and provide better assistance in English or Spanish.
We have accumulated many frequent questions that you can find at https://sealgreen.answerbase.com/ or if you do not find the answer you can place one. We usually reply within 24 hours. To make it simple just type a few words like “white stains” or “pavers” or “oil stains” the system will respond with large number of related responses.
Send us an email at Info@SealGreen.com any time.
You will find all products information available at our site including documentation, related videos, pricing, and square feet coverage and much more. https://sealgreen.com/
We have over 66 How to Videos available at SealGreenTV on YouTube. Accessible from any device that can play YouTube videos. Great for when you are in the middle of the job and need to know how to apply for the product correctly or train other people working with you.