Product Description
SCR1600™ Coatings Remover (Paints and Sealers) - With SealGreen Oil Cleaner/Degreaser
- SCR1600 Product Specification
- SCR1600 Material Safety Data
- SCR1600 Application Instructions
- Cleaner Product Specification
- Cleaner Material Safety Data
- Versión en español
- Questions? 1-800-997-3873
What to do with the floor after it is clean? | ¿Qué hacer con el suelo después de que esté limpio?
Tools and materials to make your project go better | Herramientas y materiales para que su proyecto salga mejor:
Full details on how to restore your stamped concrete | Cómo restaurar el concreto estampado
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION - These products are Custom Order with two week delivery time
SCR1600 Coatings Remover Paints, Acrylics and Sealers with SealGreen Oil Cleaner/ Degreaser
SCR1600™ works on:
- Paint
- Lead-based paints
- Urethanes
- Polyurethanes
- Acrylics
- Epoxies
- Enamels
- Easy to apply - No "hard work" like scraping and sanding
- Bio-degradable and environmentally safe
- Low odor and non-flammable unlike solvents
SCR1600 is a better way to remove paints, urethanes, acrylics, epoxies, enamels, and non-penetrating sealers from concrete or wood without the challenge of sanding or scraping.
We recommend testing the product before buying large quantities
Coverage is approximate depending on concrete porosity and material to be removed. Test first before buying large quantities.
1-Quart covers about 30 square feet.
1-Gallon covers about 125 square feet.
5-Gallons covers about 625 square feet.
SCR1600 performs better when the floor temperature is between 65 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures below 65 degrees will slow down the effectiveness of the product. Allowing SCR1600 to dwell longer on the surface will remove more material. At SealGreen™, we love this product and use it extensively in the service side of our business in the KC Metro area.
Application Directions:
Apply a thick layer of SCR1600 Coatings Remover. It very important to apply a thick, even layer as this helps the SCR1600 remove the paint or sealer. Applying too thin of a layer can reduce working power.
Let the SCR1600 sit. The rule we use is "the tougher the coating, the longer we let it sit." For most uses it is good to let it sit for 8 or 12 hours but for two-part coatings, like epoxies, it can take up to 24 hours.
Wash Floor (SealGreen™ Oil Cleaner/ Degreaser™) is included with every order of SCR1600)
SCR1600 Coatings Remover performs better when the floor temperature is between 65 and 90 Degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures below 65 degrees will slow down the effectiveness of the product.
SCR1600 Removedor de Pinturas, acrílicos y Selladores Incluye Limpiador de Aceite y Grasa
SCR1600GL Usos recomendados:
- Pinturas
- Pinturas a base de plomo
- Uretanos
- Poliuretanos
- Acrílicos
- Epoxis
- Esmaltes
- Fácil de Aplicar
- No "trabajo simple " como el raspe y lijado
- Biodegradable y ambiente seguro
- Olor bajo
SCR1600 es una mejor manera de eliminar pinturas, uretanos, acrílicos, resinas epoxi, esmaltes, selladores no penetrantes de hormigón o madera sin el desafío de lijar o raspar.
Recomendamos probar el producto antes de comprar grandes cantidades.
La cobertura es aproximada, dependiendo en la porosidad del concreto y material removido.
- 1-cuarto de galón cubre aproximadamente 30 pies cuadrados.
- 1-galón cubre aproximadamente 125 pies cuadrados.
- 5-galones abarcan aproximadamente 625 pies cuadrados.
SCR1600 funciona mejor cuando la temperatura del suelo es de entre 65 y 90 grados Fahrenheit. Las temperaturas inferiores de 65 grados reducen la eficacia del producto hacen que el producto trabaje más lento. Deje que el SCR1600 se siente en la superficie por lo menos 12 horas para eliminará más material. No deje que se seque.
Instrucciones de Aplicación:
Aplique una capa gruesa de SCR1600. Es muy importante aplicar una capa uniforme de espesor, ya que esto ayuda al SCR600 a penetrar y quitar la pintura. La aplicación de una capa fina puede reducir la potencia de trabajo.
Deje reposar SCR1600. La regla que utilizamos es "la más dura o gruesa sea la pintura, hay que dejar que repose más." Para la mayoría es mejor dejar que repose durante 8 o 12 horas, pero cuando hay dos recubrimientos de piezas, como las resinas epoxi, puede tardar hasta 24 horas.
Lave Piso con el limpiador Aceite SealGreen™ Desengrasante que va incluido con cada pedido de SCR1600
SCR1600 Coatings Remover funciona mejor cuando la temperatura del suelo es de entre 65 y 90 grados Fahrenheit. Las temperaturas inferiores a 65 grados se adelanta la eficacia del producto.
Product Videos
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Product Reviews
15 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
scr 1600 coatings remover
very good to use gets the job done
scr 1600 coatings remover
very good and fast working material
Works better than most. The trick is you have to get it on thick enough.
i was unable to remove the paint from my basement floor with this product....some of the paint became peeled...but it in no way desolved the paint as I had hoped. I even tried applying the product to the area twice and still had no meaningful results. We ended up having to use carpet tiles as the paint was now tacky and impossible to walk on. The reason the paint became tacky is because the SealGreen 1600 started working on it and required more time to allow it to melt the paint all the way through. Another factor that affects the removal of the paint may be the temperature of the room. If it is below 65 degrees the product works very slowly. I wish you would have called or emailed us your question so we could have assisted you. Team SealGreen
its wery good
no coments
SCR coatings remover
I had to return the product, and I follow their rules on how to do that however they never send my money back. their reason was that the product was damage but I never open the box I return it on the same box that they sent it. I ask them to call me and they never did, I try calling and they don't answer. SealGreen Reply: Yes, you did follow all the return instructions but unfortunately, the package got damaged by the carrier as it was returned. Our Return Policy does require that the return product arrive in resalable condition in order to be accepted. The pail was leaking inside and outside the box. UPS will not accept any boxes that are leaking so it was damaged in transit by the carrier. You may want to file a claim with UPS for damaged product.
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This didn't work as well as I thougtht it would. I had a cement front door landing that the previous owner had painted over at least 2x. We had tried a few other products before ordering this. I thought it'd be a silver bullet, but it wasn't. We applied the product very liberally and placed plastic over it to keep it extra wet. After 24hrs, we went to remove the product and it had taken off the top layer and most of the 2nd layer of paint, but it was not easy. Certainly, not like it is shown in the video. In the areas where it did take off the 2nd layer, there apparently was some type of adhesive on the front landing. We ended up going out to Lowes/HD to purchase regular stripping product to take the rest of the 2nd layer and some of the adhesive off. I thought the product would eat through all the layers, but when I spoke with customer service, they told me that I should have purchased additional amounts for the different layers and applied the product multiple times. For the cost v. reward, I would not recommend it.
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Worked as advertised. Removed two layers of carpet glue.
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I am sorry I ever purchased and never more disappointed. SealGreen: We always recommend to do a small test to see if it will work with your coating. We do not make any claims that the product will remove all coatings.
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Doesn't work !! Doesn't work on epoxy floors! SealGreen: We always recommend to do a small testing before full application.
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Product does not work as claimed. SealGreen: We always recommend a small test before full application.